Sunday, March 11, 2012

Best of Instagram: Week 6

I'm linking up with the lovely Jenni, from Story of My Life, again this weekend.
 1.) Vintage phone that my grandma sent me - thinking of spray painting it aqua, mint or coral... Suggestions? 2.) Braid wrapped bun 3.) Current Reads 4.) Punchy print 5.) Trend setter 6.) The most amazing sauce on earth 7.) Bedtime Tea 8.) Sick in bed 9.) My dad with Addie.

How has your weekend been? I'm pretty pumped that it is going to be light out an hour later now.


  1. thanks so much for stopping by my blog! you're too sweet! your little girl is just darling :)

  2. Loving the bun with the braid...super cute!

  3. LOVE LOVE that vintage phone! Love the idea of painting it mint...or aqua..or coral...haha it would be so pretty in any of those!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm loving your new design!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming my newest follower!! I am your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts and learning all about you :) I love your name! It's so unique but fun!
    Have a blessed week!

    Amanda @myloveforLyla

  5. Your braided bun looks amazing!!! Good job!!!

  6. I love that tea cup. Which tea do you drink at bedtime? I'm addicted to tea.

  7. That vintage phone is awesome. I think turquoise or coral either one would be beautiful!

  8. Users of Facebook are migrating towards Instagram followers because the interface and useability is way better. You can also interact with your own fans, instead of just friends, and this can potentially be VERY powerful.


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