Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be Calm In Your Heart

 Wise words to live by. I post them here for as much of a reminder to myself as for each of you. The photo is an Instagram that I captured of a break in a pretty crazy storm that we had here recently. 

Do you have a particular quote or song lyric that never fails to lift you up?

The author of the above quote is listed as unknown - if you know the original source, please let me know.


  1. This is beautiful!
    such a great reminder..

  2. LOVE this, Brhea!

    I really needed to hear something like this today, thank you!!

  3. I really needed this today. So glad you posted it! :)

  4. Love this! Great Reminder!And the picture is Amazing. Heard the following Lyrics this morning and the made me happy " If our God is for us then who could ever stop us and if our God is with us then who can stand against".

  5. That is beautiful and thanks for the wise words. I try and live by 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'.

  6. Brhea - that shot is just amazing! The words are so insightful - I often associate peace with a place, yet should actually be associating an ability to achieve peace in the midst of madness. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  7. Thank you for the reminder. I need to remember this as I go back to work. Beautiful picture!

  8. I'm a big fan of "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is truly important is invisible to the eye."

  9. Just found your blog from great expectations, and I like it. I am your newest followe.

    Happy Monday.

  10. beautiful! just printed this out and stuck it up on my pinboard, its the perfect reminder when I'm frantically cramming for exams!

  11. Love this quote. Finding inner peace is so important.


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