Friday, April 5, 2013

Setting Forth

This weekend I leave for Penland. I'll be taking a week long intensive photography course with a focus on lighting.

A week away in the mountains to clear my head, center myself and focus on my greatest passion. It's not lost on me that this is a rare opportunity. What a precious gift as an adult to leave behind responsibility in order to be totally immersed in creativity. I hope to squeeze out every last drop from the experience.

Beyond diving head first into all things photography, I hope to take some time to explore the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, meet new people with shared passions and to visit some of the other studios (wood working, glass blowing and metal work are at the top of my list).

I think we experience the most growth when we leave our comfort zone. I have my journal already packed and I'm open to all things that this next week has in store for me.

I must mention that this trip was made possible by the support of my husband, parents and brother-in-law, Mike. It came as a total shock to me when my parents called me and told me that they wanted to help send me. My brother-in-law was the one who brought the idea up to my parents and urged them to look into it. I'm really not lying when I say I have the greatest most supportive family!


  1. Gorgeous photos!

    Have a great time in Penland. I'm sure you'll learn a lot. It's great that the people in your life are so supportive. :)

  2. That is so awesome! I would love to do something like this. What a great opportunity!


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