Friday, February 1, 2013

Under the Weather

Writing this post from bed on my ipad. A pretty ugly stomach bug has been having its way with me for the past day and a half. One of the worst I've ever had. Trying to remind myself that this too shall pass and I'm looking to my yogi tea for some inspiration.

We are heading out of town on vacation soon, so I'm hoping that this doesn't find its way to my husband.

Seems like this has really been going around - so wash your hands and keep your distance from sickos like me.


  1. I swear it has hit everyone :(
    Feel better soon!

  2. It's crazy how everybody is getting sick! We're both getting over being sick and sadly I did pass it to my husband but hopefully you won't. Feel better soon.

  3. Oh no. Feel better. Despite being sick, you certainly took a beautiful pictures of your tea.

  4. Oh, hope you are feeling better and hubby doesn't get it. :)

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon - ugh those bugs have been everywhere. Here's to good health for your vacation. Newest follower xo

  6. Feel better soon! Have a wonderful vacation :)


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