Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Blues

Nothing like a little Joni Mitchell to help you understand my blues...

I've been gripped by the winter blues especially hard this season. Blues might not actually be the best word to associate with my feelings. It's more like a deep longing for winter that oddly feels like homesickness.

I had a difficult time taking down the Christmas decorations this year. I wasn't ready for the holidays to end. Much to my husband's dismay (and utter annoyance), I still can be found playing my classic Christmas albums. I'm one Bing Crosby record shy of becoming the eccentric lady that displays her Christmas decorations year round (and I'm kind of okay with that).

The only real sign of winter that we get here in Charlotte is the occasional icing and a flurry or two. We often go a couple of years without a snowfall that sticks. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind not having to shovel, scrape off the car or freeze my arse off on the regular... I just miss what winter used to do for my psyche.

Growing up in Syracuse, NY, winter brought with it a chance for hibernation. It was a time for rest and reflection on the year that had passed. I wore having survived another Central New York winter like a badge of honor. On the first few days of spring, I remember feeling like I had really earned the warm(ish) weather. Now it all kind of blends together.

I was lucky enough to experience a big snowfall when we were in Wisconsin for Christmas. These photos, taken on my aunt and uncle's farm, will have to hold me over until next year. 


  1. we've had a weird winter here - not much snow! those pictures are beautiful! you are talented!

  2. So funny, I had that feeling about three years ago here too! It just took you a few more years to catch up with it, or it with you. I remember feeling like the weather was usually so nice here that I didn't appreciate Spring as much as I used to when I would freeze for six months years prior. It has passed though and now I look at 45 and 50 degrees as torture and long for the days of 80+. I guess I just re-set my thermometer as to what used to be Winter temps to me. Kind of like 50 is the new 2 degrees;)


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