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I've recently had a pretty big life change. I'm no longer working full time outside of the home. The loss of a job under any circumstance can feel pretty heavy. Something about this unexpected change felt different though.
Maybe it was the birth of my niece, the support of friends and family or perhaps the copious amounts of Oprah Radio I've been listening to in the car, but I feel empowered. I've been able to see the limitations that I place on myself more clearly.
I think it's critical to recognize and examine the issue at hand before acting on it. Sure, having some more time at home may make it easier for me to take the next steps. But if I'm being honest, I don't think lack of time is the root issue. Fear and doubt have been the biggest culprits.
Fear that if I pursue photography I might not live up to the type of work that I want to put out there. After all, I don't have all of the best equipment or years of photography based education. These are things that every photographer must have to capture a successful image . . . Right?
Doubt that I can sustain the prolonged lifestyle change that healthier living requires. Eating healthy takes a lot of prep and planning. Exercise requires loads of time and equipment
(equipment, so many things require lots of expensive equipment). I can't take something this huge on with limited time and a small budget . . . True?
What I've come to realize is that most of these limitations are fallacies. I've been believing a negative inner dialogue that repeats itself in my head but bears little truth, over believing in myself.
Yes, it's going to take some trial and error and a lot of time spent shooting before I start producing the type of photographs that I want to. Regardless, I've stopped letting my need for a better lens or new camera hold me back from using what I have. It's starting to sink in that some of my favorite photographs were taken by photographers that once were amateurs.
Oh, and the truth about healthy living -- it takes work. I've recognized though, if I can afford some fresh produce and lean protein and can find the time to go for a walk or do yoga in my PJs, I'll be leaps and bounds ahead of where I was.
That's the antidote to many of life's problems. Take the first step. With what you currently have. Now. Don't wait for fear or doubt to set in.
I'll leave you with a quote that my mother-in-law recently sent to me,
"Loss makes artists of us all as we weave new patterns in the fabric of our lives." - Greta Crosby
Do you place false limitations on yourself? Is there something important that you've been holding yourself back from pursuing?