Sunday, February 5, 2012

Best of Instagram Week 2

Below is a weekly wrap up of the Instagrams that I took this week. Jenni, from Story of My Life, inspired me to use my iphone to capture specific moments when my camera isn't handy. I hope that you all are having a great weekend! I have lots of cooking and baking planned for the super bowl today. Who are you routing for?

From let to right: 1.) Bob Marley's Legend on vinyl 2.) A carousel at a nearby mall 3.) Dunkin' 4.) My first attempt at a cat eye 5.) Me, sporting my new red lipstick 6.) Roses from my husband 7.) My sister's great dane, Winston 8.) My sweet niece, Addie 9.) Addie's magic ring


  1. I LOVE Instagram, what is your username? I'd love to follow you!

    Mine is laurenestep :)

  2. love your blog. the header is so cute. and i love your pictures! i have a great dane, so my eye immediately was drawn to that one! :)

    i'm starting a new instagram link party on my blog, and i'd love for you to help me get it started!

    thanks so much!


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